STRONGHOLDSM is played by two competing Alliances of three robots each on a flat 25’ x 54’ foot field. There are many diffrent ways to score in STRONGHOLDSM. These ways include but are not limited to throwing a boulder in the tower goal, crossing a defense, and scaling the tower.
Each match begins with a 15-second Autonomous Period in which robots operate independently of their drivers. During this period, robots attempt to score points by reaching a defense, Crossing an umdamaged defense, Scoring a boulder in the High tower goal, and scoring a boulder in the Low tower goal.
During the remaining two minutes and 15 seconds of the match, called the Teleop Period, robots are controlled remotely by student drivers located behind the walls at the ends of the field. During Teleop, teams can score points by crossing an udamaged defense, scoring a boulder in the low Tower goal, scoring a boulder in the high Tower goal, challenging the tower, and scaling the Tower. In the last 20 seconds of the game the height restrictions on the robot are removed.
Learn more on the FIRST website
Our Team from FRC Game 2016: FIRST StrongHold